Letter from father to son
A collaborative effort, especially with a partner that works for a company that you've put your heart and soul in, is a tricky thing. It requires trust and compatibility, amongst other things. With the launch of Butch London, I've been contemplating the future a lot. It brings me joy to know that one day the torch will be passed on to my son and that the road towards that future is already being paved.
As a father, it's a beautiful experience to include your son in the work that fills your daily life. He visits Belgium twice a month, and I visit London as frequently as possible. We talk strategy, hit the streets to do some window shopping and discuss ways to strengthen the concept behind the business.
But more than ever, he's the ultimate protege, and I'm the best mentor he could have. If you've known a person your whole life, everything becomes more applied and contextual. While he works with a younger generation, with different budgets and a different taste level, his wit combined with my know-how and social skills will launch the future of the Flying Tailor.
The future is now, always.